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 jual Handytone HT503 - 1 FXS 1 FXO harga terhemat

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jual Handytone HT503 - 1 FXS 1 FXO  harga terhemat  Empty
PostSubyek: jual Handytone HT503 - 1 FXS 1 FXO harga terhemat    jual Handytone HT503 - 1 FXS 1 FXO  harga terhemat  EmptyTue May 08, 2012 11:31 am

anda hanya membutuhkan 1 port fxo saja namun kesulitan mendapatkan ny dengan harga yg hemat kini tersedia hanya di toekangmodem
klik bos
- 1 FXS telephone port (RJ11), 1 FXO PSTN line port (RJ11) with power-outage life line support
- Up to 2 SIP account profiles, SIP over TCP/TLS, SRTP
- Dual 10/100 Mbps network ports (RJ45) with integrated high performance NAT router
- Status LED for power, telephone, PSTN line, network, and message waiting indication
- Advanced telephony features
- Comprehensive voice codecs
- Secure and automated provisioning using HTTP/HTTPS/Telnet/TFTP
- Symmetric and asymmetric voice codec/RTP in any call sessions
- T.38 Fax
- SIP over TCP/TLS
- IP connectivity for any phone and fax
- Hop-on/Hop-off calling
- Web management for easy configuration and installation
- Offers traditional and advanced telephony features
- Portable and compact for use at home or on the road

dengan harga yg terjangkau anda sudah bisa mendapatkan 1 port fxo dan 1 port fxs

segera dapatkan di toekangmodem.com
tlp 02132764881
ym toekang.modem03
jual Handytone HT503 - 1 FXS 1 FXO  harga terhemat  Show_image_in_imgtag.php?filename=resized%2FHandytone_HT503_4e51dbe097fcd_180x180
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jual Handytone HT503 - 1 FXS 1 FXO harga terhemat
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